Koom lub ProDetailerCar zog!

ProDetailerCar yog ib B2B platform muab automotive hais txog cov khoom thiab kev pab, tshwj xeeb hauv OEM & ODM cov kev pab rau Automotive khoom siv.

Peb Cov Kev Pab Cuam

ProDetailerCar khoom muaj nyob rau hauv cov pawg nram qab no: ABS imitation carbon trims、qhov rais、daim iav npog、qhov rooj sticker、spoiler、khwb qhov rooj、 av nkos、hood trim strip、hniav nyiaj hniav kub、tsheb grille trim strips、daim di ncauj、teeb、lev、tsheb tsb、Lub rooj zaum rov qab rear trunk mat thiab rear trunk cia thawv.

Purchasers yuav yooj yim browse thiab lim ntau yam khoom kom paub meej txog cov ntaub ntawv thiab kev specifications. Peb kuj muab kev sib tham hauv internet thiab cov neeg muas zaub pab buyers sai nrhiav qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau lawv peb tes num xav tau.

prodetailercar allproducts

Pawg Neeg

ProDetailerCar muaj ib xaiv dav ntawm automotive tha xim sab hauv cov khoom los ntawm lub tsheb hom: Mazda, Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Suzuki thiab Tesla. Peb yuav ua phem rau muab zoo, diversified khoom xaiv rau automotive manufacturers, Lwm tus neeg thiab automotive tha xim sab hauv wholesalers.

tuam txhab prodetailercar tuam txhab

Tuam txhab Profile

Txais tos rau ProDetailerCar! Peb yog ib tug B2B e-commerce platform focusing rau automotive tha xim sab hauv khoom.

Peb yuav ua phem rau muab kev pab zoo, diverse khoom xaiv rau automobile manufacturers, Lwm tus neeg thiab automotive tha xim sab hauv wholesalers.

Peb lub website muab ntau hom automotive tha xim sab hauv, tshwj xeeb tsim tshwj xeeb rau cov tsheb tshwj xeeb. Cov khoom no muaj undergone nruj zoo soj ntsuam kom meej tias lawv ntsib kev lag luam qauv thiab cov neeg muas zaub xav tau.

Peb lub zog

prodetailercar Design thiab ntau lawm

Tsim thiab ntau lawm

npaum li cas, innovative, tswj tau zoo, txo nqi

prodetailercar Personalize customization

Personalize customization

Unlimited creativity, tsim kom muaj txoj kev tsav tsheb zoo heev.

prodetailercar Excellent zoo

zoo kawg thiab

precision, efficiency, automation, txuag

prodetailercar High khoom zoo

khoom zoo tshaj plaws

Cov khoom zoo los tsim high-end automotive tha xim sab hauv.

peb manufacturing

3D scanning cov qauv qauv txheej txheem:

1.3Dcanning: Siv ib tug professional 3D scanner scan lub cev kom tau cov ntaub ntawv xws li nws zoo lawm, qhov luaj li cas thiab nta nta.

2.Cov Qauv Ua Qauv: Siv qauv software los tsim peb-dimensional qauv ntawm ib yam khoom zoo lawm, qauv, paub meej.

3.Manufacturing: Transform cov qauv ua tau raws li npaj manufacturing lub hom phiaj.

Peb cov neeg zoo siab!

ProDetailerCar lawm ib pleasure ua hauj lwm nrog. Lawv lub tsheb tha xim sab hauv cov khoom uas muaj zoo tshaj plaws, stylish tsim, thiab reasonably luv nqi. Lub sij hawm tus me nyuam no kuj nyob rau lub sij hawm thiab peb yuav txaus siab heev!

Prodetailercar Happy Clients


CEO, Snd Industries

Lawv cov neeg muas zaub yog koj, kev sib txuas lus thiab daws teeb meem ceev. Cov kev pab ntawd kuj attentive thiab ua peb muas khoom yooj yim thiab npaum li cas.

Prodetailercar Happy Clients


AccountManager, Viva Megan

Lawv muaj ntau hom khoom tha xim sab hauv cov khoom uas stylish tsim uas yuav ntsib peb txawv thiab ntawm sis tw nqi. Theem tshiab txuj rau peb ua hauj lwm

Prodetailercar Happy Clients


Muas Khoom, Vin's Auto repair

Koj puas tseem txhawj xeeb txog nrhiav ib tug txhim khu kev qha?

Self tsawg-nqe, Cov khoom zoo thiab kev pab tailored rau koj lub lag luam xav tau.

Txhawj xeeb txog qhov zoo?

Peb lwm tus neeg undergo rigorous zoo checks kom saum-notch khoom.

Nrhiav kev txawj ntse?

Peb featured lwm tus neeg yog kev lag luam veterans uas sib sib zog nqus kev paub thiab kev kawm.

Xav tau exceptional kev them nyiaj yug?

Peb lwm tus neeg prioritize neeg siab txaus siab, Self prompt thiab attentive service.

Suav rau reliability

With a proven track record of on-time delivery, Koj yuav ntseeg tau peb tus neeg sab nrauv hais txog kev.